A-Z Index

Frequently Asked Questions

Housing Application & Room Selection

What determines the order students follow to select their room?


Move In

Can residents have a microwave and/or refrigerator?

Yes. 学生可以自带冰箱,但冰箱不超过5立方英尺和2立方英尺.5 amps. 每个房间只能有一台700瓦或以下的微波炉,并插入带断路器的电源板. 网上赌博网站十大排行建议所有电器也要插入断路器.

Can residents construct lofts?

住在迪特里希或密立根的学生可以在他们的房间里建造阁楼,如果他们遵循阁楼指南的话. Due to various sizes of the rooms, roommate changes, etc.因此,网上赌博网站十大排行建议你在到达校园后再建造你的阁楼. Visit Beds and Lofts for more information.


Visit Textbooks and Laptop Included* for all of the specifics on the laptop computers provided by Northwest.

Are freshmen required to live on campus?

YES. Like many universities, 网上赌博网站十大排行有住宿要求,要求所有大一新生除非已婚,否则必须住在宿舍里, 年满21岁,或从父母或终身监护人的主要居住地上下班. 不住在宿舍的学生必须填写通勤卡,并获得批准通勤到校园, otherwise housing fees may still apply.

What if I decide to move off campus at semester?

住房和食品服务协议适用于整个学年. 在秋季学期结束时,只有那些完成了《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》释放请愿书并在极端和特殊情况下获得批准的居民才会被考虑释放. 申请释放的新生必须符合通勤学生的标准.

Does housing provide linens?


What size of sheets do I buy?

The mattresses in Dieterich and Millikan are regular twin size (76"). All other halls are "extra long twin" (80").  We recommend purchasing extra long size regardless of mattress size.  All upper-class housing has extra long mattresses.  如果你购买了超长的床单,你可以确信你的床单可以在下一年使用. 如果你大一的时候睡的是普通的双人床,那就把它们塞得再深一点.

What will be in my room when I get to Northwest?

所有的房间都有两张床,两张桌子,两把椅子,两个衣柜和两个梳妆台. For floor plans and room layout guides visit the Halls & Apartments section of the Residential Life website.

Can I store any of my items outside of my room?

No. There is no student storage space in the Residence Halls. Please consider this information when you pack your belongings. All University furniture must remain in the room.

Can I decorate my room?

Yes. Your room is your home for the next nine months, so bring what you need to feel at home - within reason. Pictures, plants, rugs, posters, fish, bulletin boards, curtains, and bedspreads can all add that special touch. 请记住,所有的大学家具必须留在房间里,房间和家具需要保持在你入住时的状态, or you will be assessed damage charges for the difference.

Can I bring my own furniture?

Yes. You are encouraged to make your room as homey as possible. We've provided you with everything we think you'll need, but if you have a favorite chair, dresser, etc., you can bring that too. 只要确保为已经在房间里的家具留出空间,因为你不允许从房间里拿走大学的家具. You will be charged for any missing furniture when you check out.

Is move-in day going to be really busy?

Yes, 但是住宿生活的工作人员已经制定了一个顺利的入住手续,让你把你的物品搬进大厅. 楼前将有指定的卸货区,您可以在Cat CREW成员的帮助下快速将物品卸下到购物车中. Cat CREW是一群学生志愿者,他们在新生入住当天为他们提供帮助. These students are more than happy to assist you; however, you are responsible for moving your belongings into your room as well. 您的住宿/学生助理和宿舍/综合大楼主任将在大楼内,可以回答您的任何问题.

Can I smoke in my room?

No. Northwest Missouri State University is a smoke-free campus.

Who cleans my room?

You and your roommate are responsible for the cleanliness of your room. The residence hall custodians are responsible for cleaning hallways, lobbies, other community areas and community bathrooms. 套房和公寓风格的浴室由分配给这些浴室的居民负责.

Can I paint my room?

No. The rooms are painted on a rotating basis. Due to safety, facility longevity, keeping paint neutral, and paint compatibility, we do not allow students to paint their room.

Can I study in my residence hall?

研究一致表明,与住在校外的新生相比,住在校园里的新生更有可能在第二学期回到学校. 住宿生活办公室与校园内的其他办公室合作,为新生宿舍提供学术援助和规划. 所有新生宿舍都有延长的学习时间(安静时间), 一个ARCH(学术资源顾问),他可以帮助你解决学术问题, 还有一个PERT(技术同行教育家),他可以帮助你解决任何电脑问题. There are also study lounges on each floor, as well as those designated for 24-hour study in each residence hall.

Can I have a car on campus?

Yes, but you must purchase a parking permit. Start by registering your car online in CatPAWS. 然后,您可以在行政大楼学生服务台领取您的许可证. For complete details on purchasing a parking permit, including costs, view the parking policy page.

Can I have a bicycle on campus?

Yes!  Bikes are permitted on campus, HOWEVER, 据网上赌博网站十大排行观察,绝大多数带自行车来学校的学生并不使用它们. If you do choose to bring one, 它必须在大学警察局登记,并存放在宿舍外的自行车架上. There is no charge for bike registration.

What happens if I can't get along with my roommate?

在第二周之前,你必须和指定的室友住在一起. 在那个时候,你可以因为任何原因换房间——只要有房间,就不会问任何问题. 换房间一周后,如果你和你的室友不能相处,去找你的室友. 他或她会帮你解决问题,并签订室友合同. If all else fails, 你的宿舍主任将帮助你度过困难时期,并为你找到最好的生活安排. Room changes after room change week may be assessed a room change fee.

What is visitation?

探视时间是指异性可以到你房间探视的时间. All Upper-classmen halls have 24-hour visitation, seven days a week. 新生宿舍在周末有24小时的访问,一周内有9点到1点的访问.


NO. 如果休息后你回到同一个房间,你可以留下你的东西. The halls will be locked during breaks, 只有那些有特殊安排的居民才被允许进入大楼. There are additional safety inspections conducted during breaks. However, you are advised to take all valuable items home with you.

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